
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018


His legs turned left and mine right, walking towards the warmth of my house, his coordinates I knew no longer. Before that his legs turned east before him. I said goodbye at the door; I climbed the stairs to my room, to clean traces of everything that exploded that day. Sorry to say, but our explosion did not end in a mere sexual act. I can begin by telling you how it all began because I started from the end, or an intermediate, depriving myself of advancing. The crystals covered his eyes and his beard did not cover his smile. The green made him speak and the coat did not take away his cold. His hand brushed against me, and I do not mean just my hand— brushed against my cold, my skin, my night, even against my will. I had a stupid look, but did not pay attention, even avoided him. Just trying to concentrate on cigarettes and white clouds of smoke that we formed. I preferred to see his breath or mine, or both, taking a single shape or watching the stars that fell, to see his face, and...


Sus piernas giraban a la izquierda y las mías a la derecha, camine hacia el calor de mi casa de sus coordenadas no supe más. Antes de eso sus piernas giraron antes al este, le despedí en la puerta, subí las escaleras hacia mi habitación para limpiar los rastros de todo lo que explotó aquel dia. Lamento decirlo pero nuestra explosión  no terminó en un mero acto sexual. Puedo comenzar por contarles cómo comenzó todo, ya que comencé por el final o un intermedio privandome  de avanzar. Los cristales le cubrían los ojos y su barba no cubría su sonrisa. El verde le hacía hablar y su abrigo no le quitaba el frio. Su mano rozaba en contra mia y no me refiero solo a mi mano, rozaba contra mi frio, mi piel, mi noche, incluso contra mi voluntad. Tenía una mirada muy tonta, pero no le prestaba atención incluso evitaba verlo. Intentaba solo concentrarme en los cigarrillos y las nubes blancas de humo que formábamos. Prefería ver  su aliento o el mío o el de ambos tomando una sola...